marlene mountain
painting series 22
letter on painting


letter to 'birdy'

dear birdy i like your shevinity script very much
and would love to correspond
with you
when i created female: axe is for a i didn't know
about you or your language
in particular i love your M sign
my [   ] means mountain, my home womb place
and i was thrilled to find it on a vase
for V i have [   ] which means triangle female
vagina vulva is [   ] and [  ] is female chromosomes
i love how you've written signs on your beautiful selves
so i am trying it too
hey maybe i can wear some of yours and you mine
love M

female: axe is for a female alphabet created november 1 1983
(painting #35) translation of letter in 'female' to 'birdy' (painting #34) in
birdy the topless neolithic bird shevinity


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