marlene mountain
one-line haiku
dated or misdated by postings
[in progress]


march 2001
afternoon heat he's interrupted for saying 'girls' then 'ladies'
a clear sky torn between art and nature another little boy kills
touch-me-nots appear in the cool wet ground no haiku needed
newly-planted onions a mulch of snow
in the painting mountain and woman the same dark red
a child tried as an adult by adults with immature minds the cold
four o'clock shadows drumming of a grouse

3 long-looking one-lines
a whole moon in the morning sky in the valley just half of a half's enough
home alone again i love the afternoon the night and tomorrow morning
they'll be disappointed crows that caw to each other as i plant onions

senryu-san leaves the start of a lewd thought to be capped

home from the garden i've forgotten the garden haiku
no one owns haiku
the good boys of haiku stew happy mm deer turkey tadpoles

neither the 13th nor a friday just another swell day in nature

spring's fancy get your haiku and pornography on 'yahoo!'

morning on the land spring messes with my mind

beyond the fatigue the green onions ready to pull

'turtle island' loaded with every kind of creepy-crawly human
just to be around the sudden wiggle of a tadpole & know my place
gifts for her hillside we dig irises and primroses and day lilies

nature with the greenest thumbs and every color you'd ever want

'war on drugs' excuse for little shots to play big shots on both sides
one fern after another comes up differently

dogwood winter what a prick my ex-husband
as useless as possible like a cricket somewhere in another room
oh shit in this poetry group none of those neither/not boys
'trial by error' the 5/7/5er

tips of milkweed in the garden patches we long for rain

inspirational what one can't write in a haiku

just 100 days gone in this term of the non-nature jerks

be careful where you visit it may be kigoized
as in a storybook deer by the pond rabbit by the garden

a wood thrush kind of morning
still no rain cucumber seeds beneath the sky
off and on all day a grouse beats his meat
a beauty of a day thanks nature for no haiku to show for it
with no leaders left worth killing children tampered with
but seriously there's still plenty of content for haiku

best of the gifts from jase a pack of marlboros tho i think i've quit

on the other channel an italian hero to himself

bible study in the attorney general's office women's rights on hold
idiot money those 'wrastlers' what's swallowed beforehand

much money for the male athlete to be more masculine than exists

down the road confederate & us flags 10 commandments blackamoor yard
'when i was child i spake as a child' now i know the paleoclay woms
[wom/s: my spelling of womam/womem -- rhymes with dome/s -- re
the ancient spiritual sculptures. see the books of the late dr marija
gimbutas, ucla professor/archeologist. you go wom -- you like that
--i can't spell worth shet anymore. above read woman/women. pardon
but in private he talks in senryu

when she's prez i hope she screws interns internally

equal, hell
[c 81/82. it's always been a dream to have lots of women
line up at a microphone and one after one say those 2 words. in
small groups it's a riot.]
cloakrooms of washington a real scrubbing by turncoat jeffords
'of mice and men' the hisstory of lit

probably used horse sales the world's oldest profession
[by 'kurgans' who invaded the old europe paleoclay settlements]

'it flew all over me' she insisted god created nature
[a phrase in this area which means got very angry]

'now don't get ill' he shifts on his haunches the heat
[a phrase which means settle down don't get angry]

our new haiku evening cool
it's clover now that's all abuzz
'all the rage mm in the red flowers of home'



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